Sunday, January 29, 2012

Home Remedy for Yeast Infection

Getting rid of yeast infection is a big thing for women. You can see a doctor, ask of prescription to deal with the infection and wait for the reaction. How if you can't meet the best result yet as you expected? The prescription seems to be useless and the worst thing is your body along with the yeast infection become more resistant to the prescription.

Well, you don't need to consume antibiotic as your doctor prescribed since the natural remedies for yeast infection is now everywhere. If you have no time to browse on the internet, since the information is likely scattered on countless websites, the Yeast Infection No More can be your best alternative. Yeast Infection No More is created by Linda Allen. Do you want to know who she is?

The Yeast Infection No More is a compilation of home remedy for yeast infection. Among of the remedies suggested in the book we find tea tree oil, garlic, and vinegar. Do you want to know how to use those natural remedies to cure the infection?

Tea tree oil can be mixed with rubbing alcohol and keep it in a dropper. Keep them on hand and use the solution once per day for a week.

Are you a fan of garlic? If not, you can ignore this tip. Place garlic clove into your vagina and make sure you're fine with the odor. Do this every few hours for no more than three days.

You can use vinegar by filling it into the bath tub, mix it and stay there for as long as you want- minimum duration is around twenty minutes. One cup of vinegar is enough.

If those tips don't work with your infection, just go with other solutions offered by the Yeast Infection No More. You shouldn't bring it to pressure to avoid worse effect of your infection before it can be perfectly handled and cured.